The average house price on NEVILLE MOUNT is £116,186
The most expensive house in the street is 2 NEVILLE MOUNT with an estimated value of £156,552
The cheapest house in the street is 17 NEVILLE MOUNT with an estimated value of £94,079
The house which was most recently sold was 17 NEVILLE MOUNT, this sold on 11 Mar 2022 for £90,120
The postcode for NEVILLE MOUNT is LS9 0LQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 NEVILLE MOUNT Semi-Detached £156,552 £83,500 18 Apr 2005
6 NEVILLE MOUNT Semi-Detached , 119 m2 £120,035 £65,000 5 Aug 2005
17 NEVILLE MOUNT Detached , 75 m2 £94,079 £90,120 11 Mar 2022
17 NEVILLE MOUNT Detached , 75 m2 £94,079 £90,120 11 Mar 2022